Work from Home

Hear your colleagues as if they’re sitting next to you.

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Reduce listening fatigue
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Don’t miss anything on those important meetings
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Join meetings without turning the volume up to damaging levels.
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Enjoy personalized sound from whatever device you work from.
With the right headset, working from home becomes even easier. Meetings become clearer. They might even become quicker. They’ll definitely be less likely to result in misunderstandings and you’ll feel less fatigued at the end of the day.
Working from home all day has many advantages. To make the most of them we’ve curated a range of products tested and recommended by leading audiologists. They help you hear everyone in meetings more clearly, reducing the dreaded listening fatigue. That’s the tired feeling you get at the end of a long day of meetings. Each of the working from home solutions allow you to keep the volume low but the clarity and understanding high. Your ears will thank you for this. As will your colleagues.
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